Free Entrepreneur Personality Test

30 seconds: 10 Questions

Discover if you have the highly creative and adventurous Entrepreneur personality.

1 I enjoy getting into new situations where I can't predict how things will turn out.
True False
2 I like to act on impulse.
True False
3 I am rarely rebellious, because most people in authority, know best.
True False
4 I enjoy trying new things whenever possible.
True False
5 I like to follow established ways of doing things.
True False
6 I like to have new and exciting experiences even if they are frightening at first.
True False
7 When I'm interested in a project, I need less sleep.
True False
8 I am a creative problem solver.
True False
9 I like to be "wild" and uninhibited and go fast.
True False
10 I am always investing in good books and advice to help me improve my life situation.
True False
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